
20 Ağustos 2013 Salı

Here are 34 R4bia salute the meaning of the unknown,R4BIA symbol of freedom

Did you read that before R4bia salute is a symbol of the resistance? Here are 34 R4bia salute the meaning of the unknown.

R4BIA symbol of freedom.

R4BIA a new birth of freedom and justice movement

R4BIA the gospel of a new world organization.

R4BIA output Muslims the world stage again.

R4BIA justice, freedom and compassion means.

R4BIA all the false values ​​of the West is destroyed.
R4bia salute the meaning of the unknown 34

R4BIA dying heroes liberated Egypt.

R4BIA stir up the Islamic world is the name of all deaths.

Who show us that death is a resurrection of R4BIA venue.,

R4BIA Esma's daughter.

R4BIA descendants of Hassan al-Banna.

Duna is the new name change R4BIA children.

R4BIA dimmed a new humanity.

R4BIA corrupt Western values, rather than justice for everyone.

R4BIA a free woman, the spirit of a free man.

R4BIA tears, sorrow, hıçkırıktır.

R4BIA is joy, joy, glad tidings.

R4BIA child, female, young, old.

R4BIA man as man.

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